- タイトル別名
- A New Job's-tears Cultivar "Hatokirara"
- ハトムギ シン ヒンシュ 「 ワ トキ ラ ラ 」 ノ イクセイ
A new Job's-tears cultivar "Hatokirara" was developed at the NARO Tohoku Agricultural Research Center in 2011. "Hatokirara" was selected from the progenies of the cross between "Tohoku 1/Ohotsuku-1", with the aim of developing a new cultivar with early maturity and short culm. The major agronomic characteristics of "Hatokirara" are as follows. The maturity is early, 10 days earlier than that of "Hatojirou" and 14 days earlier than that of "Hatoyutaka". Its yield ability is the same as or higher than those of "Hatojirou" and lower than those of "Hatoyutaka". The plant height is shorter than those of "Hatojirou" and "Hatoyutaka". "Hatokirara" is able to mature with stability because its date of maturity is earlier than that of the standard variety "Hatojirou" in the Tohoku region in the cold district, and because it has a short culm, the machine harvest aptitude is high. Its grain-setting layer is wider than that of "Hatojirou", and about the same as that of "Hatoyutaka". Its lodging resistance is the same as those of "Hatojirou" and "Hatoyutaka". Its shattering is as easy as "Hatojirou" and "Hatoyutaka", while its resistance to leaf blight is the same as that of "Hatojirou". "Hatokirara" is suitable for tea processing. "Hatokirara" is adapted to the southern part of the Hokkaido region, the Tohoku region and the Honshu cold upland of Japan.
「はときらら」は1995年に東北農業試験場資源作物育種研究室 (現 東北農業研究センター) において、早生・短稈の「東北1号」を母本とし、極早生・極短稈の「オホーツク1号」を父本として交配し、早生・短稈で多収の品種の育成を目標として、系統育種法によって選抜・固定を図ってきたものである。 本品種の成熟期は "早の早" で、東北地方の標準品種「はとじろう」より熟期が早いため、寒冷地で早霜や夏期の低温の影響を避けられるため安定して成熟期を迎えることができ、短稈であるため機械収穫適性が高い。殻実収量は「はとじろう」と同程度かやや多い。お茶加工適性は「はとじろう」と同程度である。栽培の適応地帯は北海道南部、東北地方と本州高冷地である。
- 東北農業研究センター研究報告 = Bulletin of TOHOKU Agricultural Research Center
東北農業研究センター研究報告 = Bulletin of TOHOKU Agricultural Research Center 114 1-10, 2012-03-01
独立行政法人 農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構 東北農業研究センター
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詳細情報 詳細情報について
- 1390290699728179968
- 120006586401
- AA11655277
- 023564214
- 13473379
- 本文言語コード
- ja
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