

  • Reduction of Nitrate Concentrations in Komatsuna (Bracica campestris L.) by Application of Broad-Leaved Tree Bark Charcoal
  • コウヨウジュ ジュヒタン ノ シヨウ ガ コマツナ ノ ショウサン イオン ガンユウリツ オ テイゲン スル コウカ



Komatsuna plants were grown in the soil mixed with 10% (v/v) of broad-leaved tree bark charcoal. The growth, nitrate and total nitrogen concentrations of the plants and inorganic nitrogen concentratiions of the soils were measured after harvest. Application of the bark charcoal reduced the nitrate and total nitrogen concentrations by 20-30% and 10-20% of those of the control plants, respectively, without affecting the plant growth. Ammonium-nitrogen concentration in the characoal applied soil was approximately the same level as that in the control soil. However, nitrate-nitrogen concentration was reduced to about 40% of that in the control soil by the characoal application. In incubation test, 5 g of the charcoal was incubated with 50 mL of 1 m mol KNO_3 solution for 120 hours. The charcoal decreased nitrate ion concentration to about 0.1 m mol after the incubation. This result means that 1 g of the charcoal eliminated 0.138 mg of nitorate ion from the solution. However, this value accounts for only 1/6 of the sum of the decrease of nitrogen uptake by Komatsuna plants and of inorganic nitrogen concentration in the soil. This fact suggests that the incubation test is not sufficient for evaluating the ability of eliminating nitrate ion from plant and soil by charcoal.


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