

  • Decline of Japanese Pork Specified Cut Self-Supply Ratio



The purpose of this study is to analyze the self-supply ratio of Japanese domestic pork cut and the influence of the existing price stabilization system (that stabilizes fluctuations in pork carcass prices) and the differential tariff system (that regulates the volume of imported pork). The benchmark price of Japanese domestic pork is unreliable. The benchmark definition is mainly based on the dressed carcass price of the Tokyo wholesale market, but this market share was only 0 .81% in 1998, and cut meat has been mainly distributed instead of carcasses in Japan. Therefore, an alternative benchmark should be developed. Between l988 and 2000, the self-supply ratio of total pork cut decreased from 77.7% to 58.0% in Japan. The imported pork cut market share increased because Japanese consumers prefer tenderloin and loin to the other pork cuts, so that those two cuts were in short supply. In 2000, the chilled pork supplied from the North American Free Trading Agreement Area accounted for 88% or the total chilled imported pork cut, and the ratio of chilled pork to the total imported pork cut was 29.0%. In 2000, the self-supply ratio was 32.2% (loin) and 26.1% (tenderloin). The annual sales by wholesale price per year was a record \14l.4 billion (loin) and \23.5 billion (tenderloin). Therefore, the self-supply ratio of pork cut of the popular Japanese cuts was very low. The 10 highest-ranking Japanese meat processors have made profits mainly as wholesalers from the two current Japanese systems. Two major systems, the Different Tariff System and the Stabilization System of Livestock Prices, should be restructured. because these two major systems have been more beneficial to specific meat processors rather than Japanese consumers and have not worked as benchmark for domestic pork prices in Japan. It would be more beneficial lo Japanese consumers, if new systems should be established in places of these two systems.

国内での豚肉流通実態を明らかにする日的で、入手資料を分析した。1988年から2000年に,豚肉の部位別国内流通合計量は,143万トンから155万トンへ微増し,自給率は77.7%から58.0%へ低下した。2000年の部位別自給率は「ひれ」26.l%,「ロース」32.2%,「ばら」54.4%,「かた」73.4%,「もも」95.0%であり,とくに特定部位である「ひれ」と「ロース」については,1988年から2000年にかけて,「ひれjは63.1%から32.2%へ,「ロース」は56.2%から26.1%へと顕著に低下した。豚部分肉の国内市場規模は, 1989年から2000年にかけて72%に縮小した。国内の豚肉流通は枝肉流通を前提として,畜産物価格安定制度と輸入制度が存在する中,1995年から2000年にかけて部分肉の流通を扱う日本食肉流通センターの扱い量は, 国内豚肉流通量の4.7% から15 .8% へ増加した。1999年の大手ハム・ソーセージ会社上位10社は食肉流通業者としての売り上げが大きく,7社の売上額の総売上額の50%以上, 3社が30%以上50%以下であり,国内での豚肉流通は、大手ハム・ソーセージ会社の影響が大きい。豚肉の国内流通の主流は枝肉から部分肉に移行し、輸入豚肉も部位別に輸入されている。国内の豚肉流通について部分肉流通が増加してる現状から,現行の畜産物価格安定制度と輸入制度の実効性向上に向け,新たな施策を検討することは有意義である。


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