

  • Studies on Efficient Calf Production in Crossbred (Japanese Black X Holstein-Friesian) Beef Cows
  • コウザツシュ クロゲワシュ ホルスタインシュ メウシ ニ ヨル コウリツテキナ コウシ セイサン ニ カンスル ケンキュウ



The utilization of crossbred (Japanese Black X Holstein-Friesian) beef cattle as breeding cows is not well known, though this has increased with the increase in demand for beef cattle in Japan. In the first chapter, an examination was conducted to analyze the reproduction ability and the nursing performance in crossbred beef cows under grazing. First, the crossbred cows with their single calves were grazed without supplemental feed. The results indicated that crossbred beef cows had sufficient ability to nurse their single calves under grazing without supplemental feed and the performance of crossbred beef calf may increase on a pasture with nutritious grass, for example, perennial ryegrass. Subsequently, in order to analyze the ability of nursing the calf in a more elaborate manner, milk composition in the crossbred beef cows with suckling calves was estimated using the average of milk sampled before and after suckling. The milk composition in crossbred beef cows with calves was estimated by possibly using the averages of milk sampled before and after suckling irrespective of the number of weeks after calving. Based on these results, it was inferred that the crossbred beef cows were able to nurse twin calves. The aim of the next examination was to evaluate the nursing ability of the crossbred cows for twin and the effect of supplemental nutrition on grazing calves or their dams. It is suggested that supplementary concentrate food for twin calves with their dams under grazing is effective from the first month after parturition, and the supply of the concentrate is required for dams grazing in a pasture where supply of grass is inadequate.  The crossbred beef cows producing twin calves were proved to be more effective and economical in productivity. However, twin pregnancies in cattle tended to result in a difficult parturition, and the loss rate of twin neonates was higher than that of singles. In the second chapter, we reported the difference in the characteristics of maternal vaginal temperature (VT), and attempted to analyze the physiological changes perinatal parturition of cattle, predicted the time of parturition using serial data of maternal VT, and its control by feeding management. We defined the time when the VT began to fall before parturition. We concluded that “same hours method” was useful for predicting parturition time in cattle with single and twin pregnancies by the serial measurement of vaginal temperature. In next paragraph, an experiment was conducted to analyze the physiological changes of parturition in cattle by collecting fetal blood and fluid via long-term catheterization in order to elucidate the interaction between the mother and her fetus. Our method of fetal cannulation would be beneficial, and the sample collected by this method was useful for endocrine study during the perinatal period in cattle. Subsequently, attempts to control the parturition time using the feeding management were undertaken for more proactive and convenient nursing at parturition. Seventy-nine percent of the cows, that were fed a proportion of the high-roughage diet, were calved at daytime under night feeding. We suggest that the time of parturition in most beef cattle was influenced by the feeding time and the diet composition. Moreover, our results implied that such cows as calved at night-time in spite of night feeding had lower temperatures.  In conclusion, the crossbred beef cows have an adequate ability to nurse not only their single calf but also their twin calves under grazing conditions. The production of twin calves using crossbred cows provides an opportunity to increase both reproductive and economic efficiency. Apart from contributing to an understanding of the physiological changes in the late gestation on cattle, the results of this study are also useful in reducing work and trouble at parturition.

肉用交雑種(黒毛和種×ホルスタイン種)雌牛は, 需要の増加に伴い, 飼養頭数が増えているが, その効率的な繁殖牛としての利用方法は知られていない. そこで放牧飼養による低コスト肥育素牛生産における可能性を検討するために, 親子放牧下での交雑種雌牛の単子および双子哺育と繁殖性能, 親子放牧下での交雑種母牛の哺育能力を分析した. しかし, 効率的な子牛生産を行うための双子生産では, 分娩時の事故による子牛の損耗率がきわめて高い. この問題点を解決するために, 周産期における生理変化の特性や母子の相互作用を捉え, 双胎妊娠牛の膣温連続測定および解析と妊娠末期胎子血液の採取方法の開発によって分娩予知のための基礎データを蓄積し, 双胎妊娠牛の膣温連続測定による分娩時の事故を防ぐ看護を効率的に行う分娩予知技術を開発した. さらに, 交雑種母牛の夜間給餌による分娩時刻制御によって, 安全で簡易な飼養管理による分娩時刻制御方法の確立を試みた.  その結果, 交雑種を母牛とした親子放牧で, 単子哺乳子牛の哺育においては補助飼料無給与でも優れており, 双子哺育は可能であるが, 分娩後母牛の体重減少が顕著な草地においては, 母牛への補助飼料給与も必要と考えられた. また, 双胎妊娠末期牛の生理的特徴は, 双胎と単胎妊娠牛の膣温には差がみられず, 雄胎子同士の双子と雌同士の双子の場合, 子牛の体重の和は母牛の膣温と強い正の相関がみられた. 周産期の内分泌的変化を母子相互作用から検討するための, 採材技術を確立した. 分娩前の膣温低下から分娩予知技術の開発を検討したところ, 高い確率で分娩予知が可能であった. さらに肉用牛の分娩時刻は給餌時間や飼料構成によって影響を受けることが示唆され, ストレスを与えることなく, 比較的短時間で食べきることができる適切な飼料を夜間に与えれば, 牛の昼間分娩率は高くなることが明らかになった.


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