A continuing nursing education training course for Indonesian nurses : career development ladder project

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  • 看護継続教育システム(キャリア開発ラダー)実践研修の試み : インドネシア看護職への研修を実施して
  • カンゴ ケイゾク キョウイク システム (キャリア カイハツ ラダー) ジッセン ケンシュウ ノ ココロミ : インドネシア カンゴショク エノ ケンシュウ オ ジッシ シテ

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Under the auspices of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), The Japanese Red Cross Kyushu International College of Nursing (JRCKICN) organized and conducted a training program that aims at reinforcing nursing practice in Indonesia by introducing the Japanese Red Cross career development ladder in nursing continuing education system, A total of 18 nurses participated in the training course; they currently hold line management positions at either the Indonesian Ministry of Health, one of the 5 partner faculties of nursing, or partner university hospitals. The first part of the training program was conducted in close collaboration with 3 Red Cross Hospitals and the Kyushu block. Results attained in the program’s first phase are being applied during “in service training” at the national lee. This report presents the program planning and implementation processes along with preliminary achievements.


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