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  • A compwative sady of strategies for interpersonal conflict management in Japmese and English
  • 日本人日本語教師と英語母語話者英語教師の対人葛藤対処方略の比較研究
  • ニホンジン ニホンゴ キョウシ ト エイゴ ボゴワシャ エイゴ キョウシ ノ タイジン カットウ タイショ ホウリャク ノ ヒカク ケンキュウ



As Klopf & Kuramots (2003) observe, intercultural negotiation is a fact of life-in business, politics, almost all facets of ordinary living. This increase in intercultural interation naturally leads to misunderstandings and intepersonal conflicts. The first step to develop effective solutions to these problems would be to clarify the differences of patterns of behaviors between different cultures. The goal of this article is to explore the question whether strategies Japanese choose in resolving the interpersonal conflict differ from those native speakers of English do in some similar situations. If there are some differences between them, how they are diffeeent in what situations is also exmined. Some similarities and differences were found in open role-playings where 16 subjects in English and 15 in Japanese participated in 12 kinds of situation. They were instructed to refuse a person close to them like a friend or a boss without offending him/her. The differences were analyzed and explained by the concept of 'amae', which Doi (1941) found as a typical character of Japanese.


  • 言語文化論究

    言語文化論究 19 1-24, 2004-01-31


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