

  • The method for communication education in online classes: An analysis of students' reflections in “Basic Presentation” and “Basic Rhetoric”
  • エンカク コウギ ニ オケル コミュニケーション キョウイク : プレゼンテーション キソ ト レトリック キソ ノ フリカエリ ノ ブンセキ ト テイアン



Universities in Japan are obliged to change face-to-face classes into remote classes because of the coronavirus pandemic. The sudden change has a big impact particularly on communication education, which expands the need for an effective educational method in online class. This paper describes how we conduct intensive courses in two subject areas—“basic presentation” and “basic rhetoric”—at Kyushu University 2020 and analyzes the students' reflections to propose a method for the development of writing and presentation skills. These subjects have a common structure: (1) self-evaluation, (2) lecture, (3) practice and presentation, (4) mutual evaluation, and (5) reflection and sharing. Students repeat this twice so they can learn by experience. The descriptions of reflection, which is written in Moodle after the first experience, were content analyzed. As a result, the four categories were found: “Other's good points,” “good points about themselves,” “points to be improved upon,” and “points related to the theory.” The ratio of the reflections which cover all categories was 20%–25%, whereas 18%–20% covered only half. When writing, analyzing, and expressing reflection, these results indicate the importance of support, proposing necessary perspectives for conceptualization. In addition, an effective way to verbalize and share knowledge is for the students to explain what they learn to other classmates for better learning in online classes.


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