
  • Development of a New Purple and Very Small Grain Glutinous Rice Variety "Murasaki-koboshi"
  • 極小粒の紫黒米糯品種「紫こぼし」の育成成
  • キョクショウリュウ ノ シコクマイ モチゴメ ヒンシュ ムラサキコボシ ノ イクセイセイ



A new rice variety with black (dark purple), glutinous and very small grains, "Murasaki-koboshi", was developed at the National Agricultural Research Center for Tohoku Region. In 2008 we applied for registration of this variety based on the Plant Variety Protection and Seed Act. This cultivar was selected from the progenies of the combination "Kanto195" and "Asamurasaki". "Kanto195" is a very small grain strain, and "Asamurasaki" is a glutinous and black grain variety. The maturity of "Murasaki-koboshi" is almost the same as that of "Asamurasaki" and is classified as early to moderate in the Tohoku region. Its leaf edge, sheath, culm and apiculus are purple, and it is easy to distinguish from common cultivars. Its partial resistance to leaf blast and panicle blast are slightly high and slightly low, respectively. The cool weather tolerance during the reproductive stage is low, and the seed dormancy is strong. The culm length is shorter than that of "Asamurasaki", and lodging resistance is higher. Its grain yield is low, about 70% of that of "Asamurasaki". Its grain is very small, approximately 55% of the grain weight of "Asamurasaki". The grains contain dietary fiber, calcium, thiamine and vitamin E at higher levels than those of "Asamurasaki", and in addition to these nutritive contents, "Murasaki-koboshi" contains a higher level of tannin in comparison to "Himenomochi". In eating quality of colored cooked rice blended with common white rice, the taste of "Murasaki-koboshi" is better than that of "Asamurasaki". "Murasaki-koboshi" can be used for some kinds of cooked rice and as one of the ingredients for packaged grain cereal mix. It can also be used as part of processed foods in which the grain shape is important, such as Japanese style confections, to make the best use of the very small grain size. It is adapted to the lowland area below middle Tohoku of Japan.

「紫こぼし」は、東北農業研究センターにおいて、東北地域に適する早生の紫黒米で、糯種の極小粒米品種の育成を目標に、極小粒の「関東195号」と東北地域に適する紫黒糯米の「朝紫」を交配し、その後代から育成された極小粒の紫黒米糯品種である。2008年に種苗法に基づく品種登録出願を行った。 出穂期と成熟期は、育成地 (秋田県大仙市) では、「朝紫」より約1日早い "早生の晩" に属する。葉身、葉鞘、稈、ふ先等稲体の種々の部位が紫色に着色し、識別性がある。稈長は「朝紫」より短く、倒伏に強い。いもち病圃場抵抗性は葉いもちが "やや強"、穂いもちが "やや弱"、耐冷性は "弱" で、穂発芽性は "難" である。粗玄米重は、「朝紫」の約70%と低い。玄米千粒重は「朝紫」の約55%で "極小" である。「朝紫」の玄米より食物繊維、カルシウム、チアミン、ビタミンE等の含量が高く、「ヒメノモチ」との比較では、これらに加えタンニン等の含量が高い。一般白米に玄米を10%混米した着色米飯の食味は、「朝紫」の着色米飯より優れる。 本品種は着色飯、雑穀飯等の調理飯のほか極小粒である玄米の形を残した和菓子等加工用への利用が期待され、東北地域中南部の有色米品種導入地域での普及が見込まれる。


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