Occupational differences in the age-job satisfaction relationship of Japanese employees

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  • 日本の労働者における年齢・職務満足関係の職種差
  • ニホン ノ ロウドウシャ ニオケル ネンレイ ショクム マンゾク カンケイ ノ ショクシュ サ

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We examined the occupational differences in age-job satisfaction relationships among Japanese employees, by conducting hierarchical polynomial regression analyses with five job satisfaction variables across four occupation categories. Results indicated significant differences in the type of satisfactions among occupations. For professional and production employees, the overall results showed U-shaped curves where the younger and older employees reported higher job satisfactions. Also, various types of age-job satisfaction relationships (e.g. negative linear, U-shaped, S-shaped, or no significant relationships) were found for clerical and sales employees depending on their types of job satisfactions. Detailed analysis indicated that the relationship between age and the satisfaction with motivational factors (overall job satisfaction and the satisfaction with work itself) were found to be negative before 40’ s and become positive after 40’s. Also, similar turning point was observed in the relationship between age and the satisfaction with hygiene factors (satisfactions with extrinsic rewards, human relationships, and their bosses) in the 50-60’s. Because of the inattention to occupational specificity, previous age-job satisfaction studies might have obscured the true relationships hidden between age and job satisfaction.


  • 対人社会心理学研究

    対人社会心理学研究 13 23-30, 2013


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