Histochemical Study of the Denervation Effect on Red and White Skeletal Muscle Fibers of Rat. III. ATPase Activity

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  • ラットの赤筋ならびに白筋線維に対する除神経の影響に関する組織化学的研究 III. ATPase活性について
  • ラットの赤筋ならびに白筋線維に対する除神経の影響に関する組織化学的研究-3-ATPase活性について
  • ラット ノ セキ キン ナラビニ ハクキンセンイ ニ タイスル ジョシンケイ

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The effect of denervation on myosin ATPase activity of red, white and intermediate fibers of rat leg muscle was studied histochemicallv. The following results were obtained. 1) It was confirmed that the white and red muscle fibers which were classified on the basis of succinic. dehydrogenase (SDH) activity show definite signs of alkali stable, acid labile high ATPase (Type II) and that the intermediate fibers which were also classified on the basis of SDH activity show definite acid stable, alkali labile low ATPase (Type I) activity. 2) Two weeks after denervation, the ATPase activity of the fibers of these types showed only a slight altering. Four weeks after denervation, the high ATPase activity of white and red fibers decreased slightly. A difference between the ATPase activities of these two types of fibers, was not seen. Likewise the ATPase activity of intermediate fibers was not altered. 3) The diameter of the individual muscle fibers decreased after denervation. This change was highly Prominent in white fibers after 3 to 4 weeks of denervation. On the basis of these results, the problems regarding the effect of denervation on the ATPase activity of the individual fibers and on the relationships between denervation and the dedifferentiation, together with the ATPase and atrophy, and the speed of contraction and the ATPase activity were discussed.


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