

  • ショウレイ ノウカン コウソク ニ キイン シタ ナンチセイ シャックリ ニ シャクヤク カンゾウ ユ ガ ソウコウ シタ 2 ショウレイ



type:TOHO University Scholarly Publication


脳幹梗塞に起因した難治性吃逆に芍薬甘草湯が奏効した2 症例を経験した.2 症例とも延髄外側に脳梗塞があり,眩暈,嘔吐,病側の顔面感覚障害と反対側の頸部以下の温痛覚障害,病側の小脳失調等を認め,Wallenberg 症候群を呈していた.症例1 は55 歳,男性.右延髄の脳梗塞後に5 日間以上持続する難治性吃逆を認めた.息こらえや咽頭刺激,chlorpromazine の内服で治療を行ったが軽快しなかった.芍薬甘草湯7.5 g/日を投与したところ,速やかに吃逆は消失した.症例2 は47 歳,男性.左延髄の脳梗塞後に難治性吃逆を併発した.咽頭刺激やmetoclopramide・chlorpromazine 投与で一時的に消失するも,断続的な吃逆を認めた.芍薬甘草湯7.5 g/日を投与したところ,吃逆は改善し,さらにchlorpromazine を追加することで完全に消失した.芍薬甘草湯は,副作用が少なく即効性の期待できる中枢性吃逆の治療薬の1 つとして考慮されるべき漢方薬であると考えられた.We describe the successful use of Shakuyaku-kanzo-toto treat 2 patients with intractable hic-cups due to brain stem infarction. The patients had developed lateral medullary infarction and presented with dizziness, vomiting, facial paresthesia, and cerebellar deficits on the infarction side; disturbance of pain sensation and temperature sensation below the neck on the contralateral side; and Wallenberg syndrome.Patient 1 was a 55-year-old man who had a right lateral medullary infarction, followed by intractable hiccups,i.e., hiccups persisting 5 days or longer. No improvement was noted after treatment with breath holding,pharyngeal stimulation, or chlorpromazine. However, treatment with 7.5g/day Shakuyaku-kanzo-topromptly resolved his hiccups. Patient 2 was a 47-year-old man who had a left lateralmedullary infarction, followed by intractable hiccups. Treatment with chlorpromazine and metoclopramide, in combination with pharyngeal stimulation, resulted in temporary improvement, but recurrence occurred shortly thereafter, and intermit-tent hiccups continued. Treatment with 7.5 g/day Shakuyaku-kanzo-to improved his hiccups, which com-pletely resolved after additional treatment with chlorpromazine. Shakuyaku-kanzo-tois an herbal medicine with limited side effects and potentially immediate action and should be considered for treatment of central hiccups.


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