Does yutori of mind facilitate recovery from negative emotion? : An experimental study of yutori
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- 心のゆとりを有する者はネガティブ感情状態からの回復が早いか? : 心のゆとりに関する実験的研究
- ココロ ノ ユトリ ヲ ユウスル モノ ハ ネガティブ カンジョウ ジョウタイ カラ ノ カイフク ガ ハヤイ カ ココロ ノ ユトリ ニ カンスル ジッケンテキ ケンキュウ
- ココロ ノ ユトリ オ ユウスル モノ ワ ネガティブ カンジョウ ジョウタイ カラ ノ カイフク ガ ハヤイ カ? : ココロ ノ ユトリ ニ カンスル ジッケンテキ ケンキュウ
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Although previous research has found a negative correlation between ‘yutori’ of mind and negative emotion, it is unclear why these results were obtained. There appear to be two possible explanations: (a) Negative emotion does not commonly occur in people with ‘yutori’; or (b) people with ‘yutori’ are able to regulate emotion and thus do not often feel negative emotion. This study examined which explanation is correct. Thirty-nine undergraduate students watched a movie that evoked negative emotion. They then waited 210 seconds, which served as a recovery period. Negative emotion was assessed before and after participants watched the movie, and following the recovery period. The ‘yutori’ of mind scale was used to place participants in either the high ‘yutori’ group or the low ‘yutori’ group. Although negative emotion after seeing the movie was similar between the two groups, the difference in negative emotion after the recovery period was significant. These results suggest that ‘yutori’ of mind supports recovery from negative emotion. Thus, people who have greater ‘yutori’ of mind do not often experience negative emotion.
- 対人社会心理学研究
対人社会心理学研究 18 21-26, 2018
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390290699789013248
- NII Article ID
- 120006510388
- NII Book ID
- AA11550166
- 10.18910/70537
- 11094/70537
- 029088010
- 13462857
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles