How University students can decide on a course

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  • 大学生はどのような進路の決まり方が望ましいと思っているのか

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Based on the findings of Tazawa (2003, 2004), several desirable ways of deciding on a course are suggested. These include (1) expansion, (2) severance, (3) focusing, (4) single, and (5) reproduction. First, an index of ideas on how decide on a course was constructed, its relationship to other characteristics was examined, and its validity was confirmed. Then, using this index, the desirable methods of deciding on a course for university students were identified. In Study 1, the relationship between ego-identity and the index was examined. In Study 2, the relationship between career indecision, vocational indecision and the index was examined. And in Study 3, the relationship between attitudes towards career and the index was examined. In Study 4, desirable methods of deciding on a course were analyzed using free descriptions. Further more,grade-differences in desirable methods of deciding on a course were examined. Results indicated that the index of desirable methods had adequate validity. Moreover, they showed that students who thought a single type was desirable were not in an appropriate condition for making a reliable decision. The importance of considerating plural courses at least once in the decision process is emphasized.


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