The Rise of Whole-of-Government Approach for Supporting Security Sector Reform after Conflicts
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- 脆弱国家支援における全政府的アプローチ : 英国の治安部門改革(SSR)概念・政策に関連付けて
- ゼイジャク コッカ シエン ニ オケル ゼン セイフテキ アプローチ : エイコク ノ チアン ブモン カイカク(SSR)ガイネン ・ セイサク ニ カンレン ツケテ
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This paper examines "whole-of-government" approaches (WGA) for supporting the recovery of post-conflict states, especially as it pertains to Security Sector Reform (SSR), which is an all-incisive concept/policy for reconstructing local security institutions, e.g. police and military, following civil conflicts. The "Security-Development Nexus" spotlights rising concerns for post-conflict states. Without proper security, these post-conflict states are hindered and unable to engage in socio-economic development. Lacking the necessary socio-economic development may trigger further citizen discontent, leading to more instability. Thus, post-conflict states require WGA assistance that combines military and civilian support. WGA is particularly needed in SSR. WGA, especially in the field of SSR, has received special attention in the UK. Why particularly in the UK? How has it developed? What are its implications? This paper will address those questions.
- GIS journal : the Hosei journal of global and interdisciplinary studies
GIS journal : the Hosei journal of global and interdisciplinary studies 1 135-143, 2015-03
Department of Global and Interdisciplinary Studies, Hosei University
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390290699805121792
- NII Article ID
- 120005606553
- NII Book ID
- AA12747982
- 10114/10188
- 028080693
- 21894159
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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