利用者本位の政府統計活動 : 国際的論議と実践の概観と論評


  • リヨウシャ ホンイ ノ セイフ トウケイ カツドウ コクサイテキ ロンギ ト ジッセン ノ ガイカン ト ロンピョウ
  • The User-oriented Official Statistical Services : the development of international debate and practices




This paper reviews user-oriented official statistical services in light of developments in international debate and practices. Here, the concept of "users" includes the general public. The paper covers the following points. (1) The vision of user-oriented statistical services was formulated in the UN Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics, European Statistics Code of Practice, and similar documents. (2) Among the elements defining the quality of statistical data, relevance, clarity, interpretability, and accessibility constitute user-orientation. (3) The public release of information has significantly developed both in terms of from (microdata, metadata, and quality descriptions of the data) and the means of access (websites). (4) User satisfaction surveys have been carried out in many countries to identify needs. (5) Various channels have been exploited to encourage direct user-producer dialog. The paper examines the practices of the U.S. Bureau of the Census and Bureau of Labor Statistics, Statistics Canada, the Australian Bureau of Statistics, and especially SUF (Statistics Users Forum) in the UK. (6) It concludes by making suggestions based on the overview, nothing the necessity to innovate theoritical research on statistical production in the social statistics school in Japan and the necessity to enhance the user-orientation and quality management of Japanese official statistical services.


  • 経済志林

    経済志林 79 (1), 5-50, 2011-03-30


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