掠奪・農耕・交易から觀た遊牧國家の發展 : 突厥の場合

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  • The Development of a Nomadic Kingdom seen from the Perspectives of Pillage, Agriculture and Trade : in the Case of Tuque 突厥
  • リャクダツ ノウコウ コウエキ カラ ミタ ユウボク コッカ ノ ハツテン
  • 掠奪・農耕・交易から観た遊牧国家の発展 : 突厥の場合



Ever since the Xiongnu 匈奴 the nomadic kingdoms arising on the Mongolian plateau had made raids into China and the objects of pillage had always been humans and livestock. Chinese were taken captive and made to settle in groups in the northern part of the Mongolian plateau as farmers and handicraftsmen. The Tuque also took Chinese captive in order to settle them as farmers, but in contrast to other nomadic kingdoms this was done in the southern paxt of the Mongolian plateau. in the area between the Yinshan 陰山 mountain range and the Yellow River. This area was more suitable for agriculture, but had the drawback of being too close to China proper. At the time of Mochuo 黙啜, the second khan of the second Tuque khanate, the area was taken back by the Tang dynasty. Abandoning the possession of this area and an economy based on pillage, Mochuo's successor Piqie 毗伽 changed policies, putting the emphasis on trade instead. In this can be seen the origins of the policy of emphasizing trade adopted by the ruling stratum of the following Uighur khanate, but the development of cities as centers for agriculture and handicraft industry and as locations for trade had to wait until the advent of the Uighur khanate.


  • 東洋史研究

    東洋史研究 44 (1), 110-136, 1985-06-30



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