明代の地方官ポストにおける身分制序列に關する一考察 : 縣缼の淸代との比較と通じて

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  • The Status System of Ming Dynasty Local Bureaucracy : a Comparison of Ming and Qing District Office-holding
  • 明代の地方官ポストにおける身分制序列に関する一考察--懸缺の清代との比較を通じて
  • ミンダイ ノ チホウカン ポスト ニ オケル ミブンセイ ジョレツ ニ カンス
  • 明代の地方官ポストにおける身分制序列に関する一考察 : 県欠の清代との比較と通じて



Though they were qualified for different levels of local office, from the middle of the Ming dynasty the juren 舉人, gongsheng 貢生 and jiansheng 監生 suffered discrimination in regard to appointment and merit evaluation because of the disproportionate emphasis placed on jinshi 進士 candidates, and this made it difficult for them to advance in office. If we examine the percentages of the district offices (including that of magistrate) held by each of the different levels of candidates as this is noted in the lists of officials 職官表 in the local gazetteers and compare these percentages with the corresponding percentages for the Qing dynasty, we find that during the Ming each level of candidates occupied a fixed level of the local bureaucracy. Especially in the case of the post of magistrate the Ming dynasty jinshi were treated preferentially, in that they occupied a disproportionately large part of the important magistracies with high income 繁缺. In contrast to this, the jinshi of the Qing dynasty had to pass through relatively unimportant posts with low income 簡缺 because of the system of advancing from lower district posts to that of magistrate 外補 and their percentage of posts with high income was therefore relatively low and comparable to that of the juren, gongsheng, and jiansheng. This shows that the local bureaucracy had become rigidly structured according to the status of the candidates habitually holding the various offices and that advancement was blocked for local officials on account of the domination of the bureaucratic world by this status system particular to the Ming dynasty. The fact that during the Qing dynasty the posts of magistrate, governor and governor-general were filled by candidates from the rank of shengyuan 生員 and up was the result of a policy to reform the bureaucracy in order to guarantee possibilities of advancement to holders of local office, though there still existed a kind of status system affecting who filled the lower district offices (佐貳, 雑職).


  • 東洋史研究

    東洋史研究 44 (1), 77-109, 1985-06-30



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