Differences in glucose metabolism and renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system between mormotensive and borderline-hypertensive male students : from the responses to 75g glucose ingestion

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  • 若年者における糖代謝系,レニン・アンジオテンシン系の血圧レベルによる違い : 糖負荷試験の反応より
  • ジャクネンシャニオケルトウタイシャケイ,レニン・アンジオテンシンケイノケツアツレベルニヨルチガイ : トウフカシケンノハンノウヨリ

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This study is aimed to investigate the effects of blood pressure in glucose metabolism and renin-angiotensin- aldosterone system in the young Japanese. Thirteen clinically healthy male students (21.6 ± 2.3 yo, n=5: normotensive; NT, n=8: borderline hypertensive; BHT) voluntarily participated in the study. They collected urine and were taken blood, before and 1, 2, 3 hours after taking 75 gram glucose. Two of BHT had slightly impaired glucose tolerance according to the criteria by the Japanese Diabetes Society. Plasma renin activity and aldosterone concentration were significantly higher in BHT than NT. Pre-ingestion levels of serum glucose, insulin, pyruvate and lactic acid were the same in both groups, however, their magnitudes and/or durations of responses were greater in BHT than in NT. These results suggest that even in young students slight elevation of blood pressure influenced glucose metabolism as well as the vasoactive modulators like renin- angiotensin-aldosterone system.


  • 健康科学

    健康科学 21 9-13, 1999-03-15

    Institute of Health Science,Kyushu University

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