男性性研究の動向と展望 : 社会化からエージェンシーヘ

DOI 機関リポジトリ (HANDLE) Web Site オープンアクセス


  • Trend and view of the masculinities research : To agency from socialization
  • 男性性研究の動向と展望--社会化からエージェンシーへ
  • ダンセイセイ ケンキュウ ノ ドウコウ ト テンボウ シャカイカ カラ エージェンシー エ



The purpose of this paper is that I suggest a concept and analysis framework that is valid when doing an empirical research about "masculinities" in the men's movement organization. I was doing a fieldwork in the men's movement organization in Korea, so I wrote this paper to make the guideline of the research in the future. This paper takes the following composition. In chapter I, the overview of this paper is described. In chapter II, I explain that the research about concept of masculinities changes. In the recent, the research about masculinities became an area with deep relation with the gender studies, but it had already occurred from before the feminism movements. In chapter II, I try to explain the change of concept of the masculinities to the present from the time when masculinities was remarkable in the field of the science. Then, in to survey the research trend of the men's studies in Korea, I point out some problems and feature of men's studies in Korea. Finally, I consider about the concept of masculinities that it is valid when we are an empirical research about masculinities. In chapter III, I consider about the analysis framework that is valid when applying masculinities concept to fieldwork. I think that the men's movement organization in Korea has nature as the social movement organization. So, I pay attention to the way of cultural analysis of the social movement to become much utilized in the area of the social movement research. Then, I review about the effectivity of assuming that participant is an agency and to analyze a men's movement organization with the frame of the social movement as the culture in Korea. As the conclusion, I write down a view to the concrete research in the future in chapter IV. This discussion was written as the guideline to proceed with the concrete research. I don't know that the frame, which was shown here, can amend how much in future. However, this paper is the indispensable work to do an empirical research that focus on masculinities in Korea.


  • 飛梅論集

    飛梅論集 5 175-195, 2005-03-18


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