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  • On the egg development and hatched larvae of Lethrinus nematacanthus Bleeker
  • イトフエフキ ノ タマゴ ハッセイ ト シギョキ



Lethrinus nematacanthus Meeker is widely distributed from southern Japan to tropical Pacific. The spawning season seems to extend from early June to early August in western coasts of Kyushu. The author operated artificial insemination of this fish on June 8, 27 and 30, 1954, at Tamanoura, Goto Islands, Nagasaki Prefecture, and observed the egg development and hatched larvae (Plate 14, figs. 1-14). The egg is bouyant, colorless and spherical in shape, measuring 0.78-0.83 mm in diameter, with a single colorless oil-globule measuring 0.16-0.19 mm in diameter which is transformed into elliptical shape, measuring 0.15-0.16 x 0.19-0.20 mm, during development (Figs. 5-10). The hatching took place in 39 hours at the water temperature 19.2-21.5° C, and in 27 hours at 23.0-24.2℃. The larva just hatched is 1.60-1.80 mm in total length with the oil-globule situated in the anterior part of the yolk (rarely in the middle of yolk), partly protruding from the yolk surface. The myotome number is 9+17=26 (vertebral number of this fish is 10+14=24) (Fig. 10). In 2.5 days after hatched the yolk was entirely consumed and the anus advanced forward to under 4th myotome (Fig. 14).

イトフエフキ Lethrinus nematacanthus Bleeker はフエフキダイ科 Lethrinidae に属し, 我国中部以南から太平洋の温熱帯域に広く分布する沿岸性の小型魚で, 全長250mmを越すものは稀である. 筆者は1954年(昭和29年)6月に,長崎県五島列島の玉之浦町において,本種の人工授精を行い,卵内発生と孵化仔魚とを観察する機会を得たので報告する.


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