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  • Perspective of the studies on menstruation in clinical psychology
  • リンショウ シンリガク ニ オケル ゲッケイ ケンキュウ ノ テンボウ



The purpose of this paper is to examine the potential for using clinical psychology practices to manage menstruation be reviewing extant research. In early research, menstruation similarly to gender-equal assimilation and female social advancement, was addressed as a historical and cultural issue. Additionally, as an event pertaining to sex difference, menstruation was regarded as a gender issue. Subsequently, in the medical field, interest in premenstrual syndrome has increased; however, its causes and means of treatment remain unclear. Further, this paper will examine menstrual education in schools and families. Currently, education regarding menstruation in Japan is insufficient. Education should consider menstruation education in the context of lifelong personal development. As a consequence of these considerations, the potential for clinical psychological support of female-specific issues and menstruation management is proposed.


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