高麗朝における蘇東坡受容の樣相 : 使臣往來と蘇東坡詩文集の傳來を中心に

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  • The influence of Su Dongpo's poetry within the poetical circles of the Korea Dynasty, focusing on the traffic of the Envoy and the transmission process of Su Dongpo's anthology
  • コウライチョウ ニ オケル ソ トウバ ジュヨウ ノ ヨウソウ シシン オウライ ト ソ トウバ シブンシュウ ノ デンライ オ チュウシン ニ
  • 高麗朝における蘇東坡受容の様相 : 使臣往来と蘇東坡詩文集の伝来を中心に



In this study, the author has attempted to clarify when Su Dongpo 蘇東坡 (蘇軾, 1036-1101)'s anthology was first accepted in the Korea 高麗 Dynasty. First, The author reexamined the time as well as the process by which Su Dongpo's existence had come to be known in the Korea Dynasty. The transmission process of Su Dongpo's anthology and the exact nature of the transmitted anthology were concretely verified, while the following facts were clarified. Su Dongpo's existence came to be known to the Korea Dynasty for the first time in virtue of the mission of Jin Liangjian 金良鑑's party, who went to North Song 北宋 Dynasty in the 6th year of Xining 熙寧 (1073) and returned home the following year. This mission sent their gift present to Su Dongpo, who worked for Hangzhou 杭州 as Tongpan 通判 at that time, and received a letter of thanks. This fact was confirmed through Su Dongpo's prose. Jin Fushi 金富軾 (1075-1151)'s father Jin Jin 金覲 had discovered Su Dongpo and his brothers' existence through the mission of Jin Liangjian party's before going to the North Song 北宋 Dynasty. It was presumed that Jin Jin's two sons (the third son Fushi 富軾, who was born in 1075, and the fourth son Fuzhe 富轍, who was born in 1079) were named after Su Shi 蘇軾, and Su Zhe 蘇轍. Such a presumption corresponds with the record "He had respect for them." found in 『宣和奉使高麗圖經』. Su Dongpo's anthology was transmitted to the Korea Dynasty for the first time by the mission of Cui Siliang 崔思諒's party, who went to the North Song Dynasty in the 9th year of Xining 熙寧 (1076). Such a fact is known through the record in Su Song 蘇頌's writing "When Korea's mission passed in Hangzhou, they bought Su Dongpo's collection of poetry in the market" The anthology of Su Dongpo which Cui Siliang 崔思諒's party had bought was 『錢塘集』, which was arbitrarily published in the 7th year of Xining 熙寧 (1074) by the bookstore. It is collection of Su Dongpo's works when he was in service in Hangzhou. Such a fact is known through 『烏臺詩案』, which is a the collection of records relating to the '烏臺詩案 event', which occurred in the 2th year of Wengfeng 元豐 (1079). There was suppression of Su Dongpo's anthology in the King Huizong 徽宗 (1100-1125) period, and his anthology was burnt in the North Song Dynasty. At that time, Quan Shi 權適 (1094-1146) had gone to the North Song Dynasty to study. However, after ten years, he criticized the North Song politicians and King Huizong, saying "Though Su Dongpo's anthology was incinerated for political reasons in the North Song Dynasty, his fame spread even to the Korea Dynasty, and will never disappear." Through Quan Shi's sentence, we can know that Su Dongpo's poetry and prose became popular in the Korea Dynasty at that time.


  • 中國文學報

    中國文學報 74 99-138, 2007-10



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