The sympathy as for the specialization of the kindergarten teacher : through Emma Marwedel's practice in the kindergarten and the training school

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  • 幼稚園教員の専門性としての共感 : エマ・マーウェデルの保育と幼稚園教員養成の実際をてがかりに
  • ヨウチエン キョウイン ノ センモンセイ ト シテ ノ キョウカン : エマ ・ マーウェデル ノ ホイク ト ヨウチエン キョウイン ヨウセイ ノ ジッサイ オ テ ガ カリニ

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The purpose of this study is to discuss the sympathy as for the specialization of kindergarten teacher, through Emma Marwedel's practice in the kindergarten and the training school.Emma Marwedel, a pupil of Froebel's widow, was the pioneer kindergarten leader in California. Marwedel opened the first kindergarten and kindergarten training school in Los Angeles about 1872. It is obvious in the student of Marwedel Kate Douglas Wiggin's autobiography that she has taken thoroughly to heart Marwedel's teaching that modification in materials and methods must be made but Froebel's principles were sound even to the point of implementation. Wiggin has been in an incredible state of excitement, for she has felt that the group of young children touched her new of springs of action and awakened her new powers. Marwedel has ordered students to take the note of children and wanted to cultivate their observation. Wiggin has seen, Marwedel has been trying to train the children to a love of industry and helpful occupation ; so she has given work as a reward, and took it away as a punishment.The core of Marwedel's practice in the kindergarten and training school is not Froebel's writing, gifts and occupation, but arousing sympathy to the children from students. The sympathy as for the specialization of kindergarten teacher is to see the children's needs of activities and development, and have an insight into giving the most apropos work to their circumstance. Marwedel is more of a student of the scientific aspects of child life than most of the American kindergarten leaders.By historically tracing the above.mentioned Emma Mawedel's practice in the kindergarten and training school, we would have a better understanding the sympathy as for the specialization of the kindergarten teacher.


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