<Articles>The Prelude to the Formation of the Democratic Party (民主党)

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  • <論説>民主党成立の序幕 : 進歩党少壮派の党内「革新」運動
  • 民主党成立の序幕--進歩党少壮派の党内「革新」運動
  • ミンシュトウ セイリツ ノ ジョマク シンポトウ ショウソウハ ノ トウナイ

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This paper attempts to shed light on the initial stage of the formation of the Democratic Party which was founded in 1947. The main object of analysis is the movement of the up-and-coming young members of the House of Representatives who belonged to the Japan Progressive Party (日本進歩党) , the leading figure of which was Takeru Inukai 犬養健. With the enforcement of the occupation reforms, such as the Purge Directive and the call for the general election in 1946, as a turning point, they appeared on the central political scene. They organized a political group within the Progressive Party in the course of the political crisis during the massive demonstrations that took place from the 1946 general election until the formation of the first Shigeru Yoshida 吉田茂 cabinet. During the 90th session of the Diet they pushed the party "reform" movement forward in order to transform the Progressive Party, a reactionary conservative party into a democratic conservative one. It was a conservative middle-of-the-road party which advocated modified capitalism. Above all in the debate on the amendment to Final Draft of Japanese Constitution (帝国憲法改正案) they exerted themselves to acquire the whole nation consensus on the provisions stipulating the Emperor as the symbol of the State and of the unity of the people and at the same time they paid heed to the improvement of the provisions on the fundamental right to live, chiefly appealing to the Social Democratic Party of Japan (日本社会党). And in the maneuver of the Progressive Party to expand its strength they sought to rally conservative middle-of-the-road forces, groping for a coalition cabinet with the right wing of the Social Democrats and, on that occasion, strongly urged changing the party name to "the Japan Democratic Party" (「日本民主党」). Through these activities they were gradually paving the way for the formation of the Democratic Party.


  • 史林

    史林 71 (3), 443-481, 1988-05-01

    THE SHIGAKU KENKYUKAI (The Society of Historical Research), Kyoto University


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