友人関係における怒り感情制御方略が親密度に及ぼす影響 : 縦断的な調査に基づく分析

DOI 機関リポジトリ Web Site オープンアクセス


  • Longitudinal study of the effect of anger regulation on undergraduates' intimacy with a best friend
  • ユウジン カンケイ ニ オケル イカリ カンジョウ セイギョ ホウリャク ガ シンミツド ニ オヨボス エイキョウ : ジュウダンテキ ナ チョウサ ニ モトズク ブンセキ



The effects of anger regulation tactics (Yoshida & Takai, 2008) on the level of intimacy with a close friend were investigated. First- and second-year university students were asked to indicate the frequency of experiencing anger towards their closest friend in the university, the frequency of using five anger regulation tactics, and how intimate they felt with the friend. They responded to the same questionnaire 1 month later. Results of a hierarchical regression analysis indicated no significant effects of anger regulation tactics on the level of intimacy. These negative findings may indicate the need for a shorter-term longitudinal study to identify the effects of anger regulation tactics on short-term friendships in university students.


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