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  • Kauṇḍabhaṭṭa on the meaning of the affix bhāvapratyaya
  • Kaundabhattaのbhavapratyayn論
  • Kaundabhatta ノ bhavapratyaynロン



This paper is intended to present a Japanese translation of the bhāvapratyayārthanirṇaya ("final determination of the meaning of the affix bhāvapratyaya") in the Vaiyākaraṇabhūṣaṇasāra of Kauṇḍabhaṭṭa. Bhāvapratyaya-s are the affixes such as tva and taL(tā), called taddhita, which are prescribed in Pāṇini's rules P5.1.119-136. These rules provide that such affixes are optionally introduced after syntactically and semantically related items when "bhāva" is to be denoted (tasya bhāvaḥ). This "bhāva" serving as a condition for affixation in these rules may mean the occasioning ground for the use of the word (pravṛttinimitta) or the mode (prakāra) in which the thing denoted by the word appears in the awareness. A brief synopsis of the bhāvapratyayārthanirṇaya is as follows: v.49: Exposition of the statement of Bhartṛhari "kṛttaddhitasamāsebhyaḥ sambandhābhidhānaṁ bhāvapratyayenānyatra rūḍhyabhinnāvyabhicaritasambandhebhyaḥ". v.50: Critique of the Mīmāmsaka's view. v.51-52ab: Ascertainment of the meaning of the bhāvapratyaya on the basis of vt.5 "yasya guṇasya bhāvād dravye śabdaniveśa s tadablziddhāne tvatalau" and vt.6 "sarve bhāvāḥ svena bhāvena bhavanti sa teṣāṁ bhāvas tadabhidhāne" ad P5.1.119. (Verses by Bhat#t#ojidi#ks#ita) Kauṇḍabhaṭṭa shows originality in interpreting vt.6 as supproting the view that the word-form (śabdastaarūpa) may be a pravṛttinimitta for the word whose referent (vācya) is not directly perceptible (etadpadavācyaḥ kaścid).


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