

  • Effectiveness of Stretch Reflex Programs in Improving Sprint Performance in Track and Field Athletes : Effects of Different Training Environments on Acceleration
  • スプリント ニ オケル シンチョウ ハンシャ プログラム ガ リクジョウ キョウギ センシュ ノ パフォーマンス コウジョウ ニ オヨボス ユウヨウセイ : コトナル トレーニング カンキョウ ガ カソク ノウリョク ニ アタエル エイキョウ ニ ツイテ



We investigated the effectiveness of stretch reflex programs (SRPs) in 17 male students (mean age: 20.2 ± 0.9 years) who were track and field athletes. The effect of the SRP conditions in improving the 100-m sprint performance was explored. The different training environments were level ground, uphill, and downhill, and the subjects were assigned evenly to an SRP group for each environment and a control group. The students performed their SRPs (rebound jump, slalom jump, single-leg hop (right and left), bounding, and speed bounding) three times a week for 9 weeks. The control group received regular training. The primary findings were as follows:|1. Over 0 to 30 m, the SPR groups showed improved pitch and stride under all conditions, with a marked improvement in the downhill training environment group.|2. An SRP using a downhill slope of four degrees or less was effective as a training environment to improve sprinting speed in the acceleration period.|3. An SRP using an uphill slope was a suitable environment for improving only the pitch in sprinting.|4. The improvement in stride between 0 and 30 m in the downhill SRP group likely contributed to increases in both pitch and stride between 30 and 100 m.|These results showed that an SRP performed downhill increased pitch and its tradeoff counterpart—stride—effectively between 0 and 30 m and significantly improved sprinting speed over 30 to 100 m. The study therefore demonstrated that downhill is the most appropriate environment for SRP training.


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