A Sociological Study on "No Answer" in an Opinion Research

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  • 世論調査における無回答の社会学的考察
  • ヨロン チョウサ ニ オケル ムカイトウ ノ シャカイガクテキ コウサツ

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No answer in an opinion research means much more than that respondents didn't express any opinion of the question. It fluctuates according to the relation between the respondents' attribute and the question. In this paper, it became clear that "no answer" increases in proportion to "reply impossibility " and a lack of party-concerned consciousness of respondents'. On the other hand, if the questions can be answered by applying "common sense" and "general feeling", or if they can be recognized to be "problems which a municipal government should tackle" by a citizen view, "no answer" decreases.


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