Landau Diamagnetism in a Transient Field Strength

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  • 遷移強度磁場下のランダウ反磁性
  • センイ キョウド ジバ カ ノ ランダウ ハンジセイ

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The Landau diamagnetism in a transient field strength is studied. The orbit radius of the ground state is smaller than the sample size, while those near the Fermi energy are larger. The thermodynamic potential Ω (H,μ) is investigated. The shift in Ω (H,μ) due to the boundary effect is far larger than the Landau energy,however,nearly the same term already exists at H=0. The E-o relations are examined for the boundary condition that the phase at the boundary is r/2. The average of the shift in Ω (H,μ) for 0 and 1/2 is evaluated. A singular diamagnetic moment is possible to appear in the transient region.


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