A Study of the Human Rights Committee and National Human Rights Institutions

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  • 自由権規約委員会と国内人権機関の関係についての一考察
  • ジユウケン キヤク イインカイ ト コクナイ ジンケン キカン ノ カンケイ ニ ツイテ ノ イチ コウサツ

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A National Human Rights Institution(NHRI)is an independent institution that promotes, monitors and protects human rights in a country. An NHRI plays important roles in implementing human rights treaties including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights(ICCPR)and contributing to activities of the Human Rights Committee( HRC). Today, more than 120 NHRIs in the world have been established on the basis of the Paris Principles, a guideline adopted by the United Nations. The Canadian Human Rights Commission and the Equality and Human Rights Commission have been contributing to state reports which are submitted to the HRC and domestically applying the ICCPR in effective ways, particularly in judicial or quasi-judicial procedures and lawmaking processes. Japan does not have any NHRI so far, but the country should establish one in accordance with the Paris Principles, like those in Canada and the United Kingdom.


  • 一橋法学

    一橋法学 19 (2), 233-270, 2020-07-10


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