Construction of a Old Chinese Phonological Database : "Comprehensive Database of the Rhyme Readings in Book of Odes"

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  • 古漢語音韻データベース「諸家詩経韻読」の構築
  • コカンゴ オンイン データベース ショカ シキョウ インドク ノ コウチク

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This paper describes the database "Comprehensive Database of the Rhyme Readings in Book of Odes(諸家詩経韻読)." It is a collection of rhyme studies from Book of Odes, a work comprised by past scholars. It is generally understood that an understanding of classic languages is useful knowledge for students in the foreign language education field. Learning to comprehensively read an ancient language from which modern languages is derived, and to be able to compare that language with modern languages, can be a great aid in understanding modern languages in depth. From the viewpoint of language comparison, aspects such as phonology, vocabulary, and grammar may be considered, although this paper emphasizes on particular aspects of phonology. From this viewpoint, the author has built various databases, especially on the phonology of ancient Chinese, and made them available to the public. As part of this, this year we built and released a database, namely "Comprehensive Database of the Rhyme Readings in Book of Odes(諸家詩経韻読)". Since this database is related to Old Chinese, as a classification of ancient Chinese phonology, this paper first briefly delves into describing the Old Chinese, and then details the database.


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