Essential Issues for L2 Reading Assessment with Special Reference to the Construct of Reading



英語を外国語として教えたり,英語を第2 言語として教えたりする際の,英語読解力測定,評価は非常に複雑で困難である。テストを作成する以前の段階で,英語読解力の構成概念,構成要素を十分に理解しておく必要がある。本稿ではL2 英語読解力測定にあたり,そのテスト作成のために必要な基本的問題を考えようとするものである。全体的には4 つの視点からとらえ,それぞれを深く掘り下げていく。一つ目は読解力の構成概念である。2 つ目は読解力の下部構成要素,そして3 つ目は読解力テスト方法,最後の4 つ目に読解力に関連する問題(たとえば学習者個人差,また,コンピュータなどテクノロジーの活用など)を中心に検討をおこない,インターネットで容易に読む資料が手に入る時代の英語読解力のテスト,評価,測定について結論づける。

Assessing L2 reading ability is complicated as it involves not only the ability to read, but also the knowledge of and ability to use the second or foreign language (SFL). In order to assess or test a person’s ability to read and understand texts in an SFL context, it is important to understand what comprehension is, and what one has to know and do in order to be able to read. Without knowledge of what reading involves, what is technically known as the construct of SFL reading, one cannot develop a valid test of reading. In other words, in order to test the ability to read, one needs to have a theory of reading. This paper deals with basic issues of L2 reading assessment as follows: 1) the construct of reading, 2) the subskills of reading ability, 3) test method of reading, and 4) related issues on L2 reading assessment. The reading construct is most likely under-represented by all well-known standardized reading assessment systems. The point is the extent to which we can and should measure reading construct skills and subskills. Computers and new media are likely to alter the evolution of reading tasks and tests. We must recognize that the ability to read online texts is becoming an important part of the general construct of reading. As a result, more attention should be paid to this area in regards to reading assessment.


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