『国冬本源氏物語』注釈書の試み ―桐壺・少女・野分・柏木・鈴虫巻の物語世界を中心に―


  • The trial of Commentaries of the "Tale of Genji, Kunifuyu text" focusing on some chapters of the unique world
  • クニフユボン ゲンジ モノガタリ チュウシャクショ ノ ココロミ キリツボ ショウジョ ノワキ カシワギ スズムシカン ノ モノガタリ セカイ オ チュウシン ニ



現在、源氏物語の注釈書といえば、大島本・定家本源氏物語などの青表紙本系統本のもの以外皆無と思われる状況であるが、そろそろ、この状況から解き放たれたい。自筆本の存在無く、数多くの伝本の総体がこの物語の真の姿であるならば、それぞれの伝本の注釈が生まれるべきであろう。稿者はそうした考えから、来るべきそのような未来の為に、国冬本源氏物語(天理大学附属天理図書館蔵)について、特異な独自本文をもつ巻巻を中心にまずは試作版を作り、この試みについて考察した。 The explanatory notes of The Tale of Genji have been always made with “Aobyoshi- bon (Ao-byoshi-text)”. However, the text of this story has a lot of kinds. It is not a good situation that there is only a commentary depending on one text. So I wrote some trial commentaries at Kunihuyu Text (Tenri Library). As you know, the Tale of Genji is long story, so I chose some sentences of some chapters. First, unlike another texts, there are not Korean fortune-teller at the end of Kiritsubo, Genji grieve if he was able to live together with Fujitsubo at his private residence. You get strong impression at his deep love for Fujitsubo and finish reading this chapter. Second, you cannot come across “Rokujyo-in” at chapter Otome of this text. Third, the princess who became his official wife, named “Onna-sanno-miya”, do not have self-will. But, only at chapter Suzumushi of this text, you can meet her who reflect on a past and growing up as a human being. In this paper, I introduced such interesting world and expect that many texts of The Tale of Genji will be introduced in sequence in the future.





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