Esotericism and Exotericism in the early Imāmiyyah : analysis of Tafsīrs and the collections of Ḥadīths in the Minor Occultation

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  • 初期十二イマーム派における「秘教」と「顕教」 : 小幽隠期のハディース集とタフスィールの分析を通じて
  • ショキ ジュウニ イマームハ ニオケル ヒキョウ ト ケンキョウ : ショウユウインキ ノ ハディースシュウ ト タフスィール ノ ブンセキ オ ツウジテ
  • 初期十二イマーム派における秘教と顕教 : 小幽隠期のハディース集とタフスィールの分析を通じて

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This paper focuses on exoteric doctrines in the early Imāmiyyah through analysis of laws transmitted by imāms. In order to consider the doctrines of the early Imāmiyyah, we must refer to literature written during the period of the Minor Occultation. Through our analysis, we demonstrate that exoteric doctrines as well as esoteric ones are original to the early Imāmiyyah. Some differences of law between the Imāmiyyah and the Ahl al-Sunnah are caused by the different interpretations of the apparent (ẓāhir) meanings of the Qur'ān and Sunnah. However, we can see that there are differences which are caused by the Imāmī belief that imams and their followers are special. Examples include certain rules reflecting the distinctions among imāmī, mukhālif, and nāṣib, as well as rules giving imāms and their family certain privileges. The continuity of these rules from the Minor Occultation onwards shows that the Imāmiyyah has regarded the exoteric doctrines as important elements transmitted by their imāms.


  • 一神教世界

    一神教世界 9 115-133, 2018-03-31

    Doshisha University, Center for Interdisciplinary Study of Monotheistic Religions (CISMOR)

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