- タイトル別名
- The Oyamamori of Owari Domain: Formation and Documentation
- オワリハン 「 ゴ ヤマモリ 」 ノ ショクイキ ケイセイ ト キロクルイ
本研究は、享保期(1716-36)以降の尾張藩において森林管理の実務を担当した「御山守」の内木(ないき)彦七武久(たけひさ)の動向を事例に、同藩で新設された「御山守」の職域が確定・拡大していく中で、どのような記録類が作成・蓄積され、これらがいかに活用されたかを明らかにし、職務の遂行と内木家の格式保持に果たした記録類の役割を考察したものである。研究対象である美濃国恵那郡加子母村および内木家の概要、文書群の伝来状況について述べた後、御山守の職務・権限と収受・作成文書との関係を、①支配役所である木曽材木方との往復書類、②盗伐の摘発と吟味書類、③「御山見廻帳面」類の作成・送付、④家作をめぐる作成文書、⑤村方の諸願への対応、という5つの側面から検討し、その結果、Ⓐ内木家にとって“記録して保存すること”は、御山守としての自家の存立と密接に関わる問題であったこと、Ⓑ御山守は、上部機関である木曽材木方への積極的な献策を通じて職域を次第に拡大していき、地位の保全を目指したこと、Ⓒ献策した内容は、いずれも村方が文書を提出して御山守が吟味する形式で、文書の収受や送達行為が職務の中で重要な意味をもったこと、などの点を明らかにした。そして、内木家に残る文書群は、御山守の職域形成・拡大の過程を反映した構造と管理秩序を顕著に残した事例であると評価した。This article focuses on the activities of Naiki Hikoshichi Takehisa, a man who served as forest ranger (oyamamori) for the Owari Domain (western Aichi) from the Kyōhō era (1716-1736) onwards. I examine the production and storage of contemporaneous documents relating to the establishment and expansion of the scope of responsibilities invested in the post of forest ranger within the Owari Domain. Furthermore, I elucidate precisely how these documents were employed as a means of facilitating forest administration within the domain, as well as securing the social standing of the Naiki family.This article begins with an introduction to Kashimo Village, in Ena County, Mino (southern Gifu), a region lying just north of the Owari Domain, and to the Naiki family. This is followed by a summary of the transmission history of the documents in question. I examine the relationship between the duties and rights of the forest ranger, on the one hand, to the reception and production of relevant documents, on the other, from five different aspects: first, documents exchanged between the forest ranger and the governing Kiso Lumber Office (zaimokugata); second, documents dealing with the illegal felling of trees and the exposure and sentencing of those charged with such crimes;third, the production and delivery of official patron records (oyama mimawari chō-men) made out by the forest ranger; fourth, documents produced in association with the construction of dwellings; fifth, documents written up in response to petitions from the local village officers.This research has succeeded in clarifying three main points. First, the Naiki family saw the production and preservation of written documents as a means of maintaining their social standing in the capacity of forest rangers for the Owari Domain. Second, the forest ranger, by actively submitting written proposals to the governing Kiso Lumber Office, strove to gradually expand the occupational scope of his duties, thereby further cementing his social standing. Third, considering that the forest ranger's written proposals inevitably took the form of a consideration of some petition previously submitted by one of the local village officers, it follows that the process whereby documents were first received and later delivered was itself of significant importance. The Naiki family documents reveal details about those managerial processes that lead to the formation and gradual expansion of the forest ranger's occupational scope.
- 国文学研究資料館紀要 アーカイブズ研究篇 = The Bulletin of National Institure of Japanese Literature, Archival Studies
国文学研究資料館紀要 アーカイブズ研究篇 = The Bulletin of National Institure of Japanese Literature, Archival Studies 49 (14), 1-25, 2018-03-16
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詳細情報 詳細情報について
- 1390290699892299136
- 120006495852
- AA12049057
- 029581401
- 18802249
- 本文言語コード
- ja
- データソース種別
- JaLC
- NDLサーチ
- CiNii Articles