原子力災害被災地における民間アーカイブズ救出・保全の課題 ―福島県双葉町における実践から―


  • Rescuing and Preserving Private Archives in Regions Devastated by Nuclear Disaster: A Case Stady in Futaba Town, Fukushima Prefecture
  • ゲンシリョク サイガイ ヒサイチ ニ オケル ミンカン アーカイブズ キュウシュツ ・ ホゼン ノ カダイ : フクシマケン フタバマチ ニ オケル ジッセン カラ



本稿は、東日本大震災で原子力災害に被災した福島県双葉町における活動実践の紹介と検討を通じて、被災した民間アーカイブズ(被災資料)救出・保全の課題を考察する。研究対象は、東日本大震災と東京電力福島第一原子力発電所事故で被災した福島県双葉町における被災資料救出の取り組みである。双葉町における被災資料救出は、町民による活動と町教育委員会による取り組みの二形態で実施されている。このうち後者は、町教育委員会の専門職による独自行動に始まり、続いて文化庁が主催した博物館資料の救出事業が行われ、その後に史料ネットと連携した活動が行われた。救出された資料の保全作業は、放射線量・保管場所・整理方法の三つの問題点があるため、順調には進んでいない。これらの活動を通じて、町役場及び町民の間に民間アーカイブズへの認識が不十分であること、民間アーカイブズの存在が町民から忘却されていることが明らかになった。そして今後の被災資料救出・保全活動を進めるためには、町の郷土史の語り直しという使命の下に、民間アーカイブズに対する町民の理解を深化させることが必要と結論づけた。This article seeks to examine methods of rescuing and preserving private archives that have been damaged by nuclear disasters, such as that which occurred as a result of the Great East Japan Earthquake. I have focused on the efforts taken by archivists in Futaba Town, Fukushima Prefecture, a region that was heavily affected both by the earthquake itself, as well as the consequent accident at the TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Efforts to rescue damaged archival material is being carried out by two groups of people, namely, local residents of the town along with members of the board of education. During the initial stages, professional archivists working in the board of education were appointed to take up the challenge. This was followed by a project led by the agency for cultural affairs aimed at rescuing materials stored at local museums. Finally, Rekishi shioryō nettowāku, an organization geared at assisting in the rescue and preservation of materials damaged as a result of disaster, was invited to assist in the effort. Progress has been slow due to the presence of three interrelated problems: the quantity of radiation present in such material, the lack of storage facilities, and the question of how such material is to be organized and managed.Two pressing concerns have come to light as a result of this research. First, neither those working in the town government office nor the local residents seem to have a full understanding of the value of private archives. Second, the very existence of such archives has been more-or-less forgotten by the local residents. Consequently, in order to promote the rescue and preservation of damaged materials, it will be necessary to set definite goals that encourage reconsideration of local history, thereby encouraging the local residents to gain a deeper understanding of the use and value of private archives.





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