Ocean-Bottom Exploration Activities by Training Ship Fukae-maru

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  • 練習船深江丸の海洋底探査航海

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In April, 2013, the Japanese Government settled on the second stage of an oceanic basic plan that emphasized the development of ocean resources and the enhancement of oceanic education. In light of this situation, KOBEC (Kobe Ocean-Bottom Exploration Center) was established at Kobe University on October 1, 2015. Afterwards, preparations for ocean-bottom exploration activities using the training ship Fukae-maru were advanced by KOBEC. KOBEC will develop various promotion programs, for instance, the exploitation technology of ocean-bottom resources and specially-advanced exploration techniques, etc. centering on the advanced research of the ocean bottom. Two exploration activities executed with the training ship Fukae-maru are outlined in this paper. Moreover, various development problems with the exploration activities were described. Additionally, some proposals for the construction the next generation's new training and ocean-bottom survey ship were discussed based on the analysis of current exploration activities.


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