

  • タイアン ジソウ カイメイ ガ ショウライ シタ トウダイ ノ ホウシゾウ
  • The image of Hoshi that Kaimyo : a Buddhist priest of Daian-ji-Temple : brought to ancient Japan from Tang Dynasty China



Kaimyo, a Buddhist priest at Daianji-Temple, visited Kinryo's historic sites during the eighth-century Tang Dynasty. During this visit, he obtained an image representing the true figure of Hoshi, a legendary Buddhist priest, from Hoshi's home and brought it back to Japan. As for the year when Kaimyo visited Tang, the Houki first year (770) theory, Houki third year (772) theory, and Houki eighth year (777) theory are claimed. This is still described in "Nihon Ryouiki. "Since this narrative is credible, it is important to keep in mind that Kaimyo was a member of the envoys to the Tang Dynasty who left Japan in Houki eight years. Hoshi's home includes the Kaizenji-Temple and the graveyard of Hoshi. The temple hosts the statue and mural of Hoshi. There is a high possibility that the Hoshi image that Kaimyo brought back was a reproduction of a mural of Hoshi in Kaizenji.


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