ウラーンムチル芸術歌舞団の文革期と回復期における上演作品 : 中国内モンゴル自治区赤峰市オンニュート旗の事例から


  • Performance works of Ulaγan möčir Art Troupe in their Cultural Revolution and its recovery period : the case of the ongniüt banner in Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia, China
  • ウラーンムチル ゲイジュツ カブダン ノ ブンカクキ ト カイフクキ ニ オケル ジョウエン サクヒン : チュウゴク ナイ モンゴル ジチク セキホウシ オンニュートキ ノ ジレイ カラ




[SUMMARY] This paper elucidates the performances works of the Ulaγan möčir Art Troupe-( hereinafter referred to as Ulaγan möčir ) in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. To this end, the author will firstly introduce the concept of Ulaγan möčir. What is Ulaγan möčir? Ulaγan möčir is a Mongolian word, Ulaγan means red, möčir is a tree branch, and Ulaγan möčir means "red branch." In Chinese language, it is called "Red Culture Working Team." Red symbolizes the communist revolution, while the cultural working team refers to an organization that carries out cultural activities. In other words, it aims to disseminate socialist ideology mainly to herdsmen and peasants in the Mongolian region through cultural and artistic activities such as singing, dancing, and opera. Ulaγan möčir was founded in 1957 in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. This paper analyses previous performances of Ulaγan möčir focusing on the period of the Cultural Revolution and its recovery period.


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