マスメディアが進化した昭和後期における コンテンツ開発の研究「導入期Ⅱ」: カウンターカルチャーの風1964-1972


  • Content Development in the Late Shōwa Era when Mass Media Evolved to “Introduction Stage II” The movement of Counter-culture 1964-1972
  • マス メディア ガ シンカ シタ ショウワ コウキ ニ オケル コンテンツ カイハツ ノ ケンキュウ 「 ドウニュウキ Ⅱ 」 : カウンターカルチャー ノ カゼ 1964-1972




Based on the product life-cycle theory of marketing, I propose a life-cycle theory of media-content creation—the content development three-year cycle theory. As per the work-experiene of the author, the content creation cycle is hypothesized to be completed in minimum nine years. This period comprises three stages, each three-years long—Introduction Stage, Growth Stage, and Maturity Stage. This theory is examined through the achievements of seven creators, that is, pioneers who created media content; the mentors who influenced and instructed the author; and the author's contemporary creators who share and widen the author’s perspectives and make for healthy competitors. In this paper, the Vietnam War and the school struggle and industrial pollution, also consider the impact that had on the content. Also consider the importance of the producer to link the content and the mass media.


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