The Reason for Taking a Job and Turnover among Public Health Nurses on Remote Islands
- Chinen Maki
- Okinawa Prefectural College of Nursing
- Makiuchi Shinobu
- Okinawa Prefectural College of Nursing
- Miyazato Sumiko
- Okinawa Prefectural College of Nursing
- Nagahama Naoki
- Okinawa Prefectural College of Nursing
- Kamizato Midori
- Okinawa Prefectural College of Nursing
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- Other Title
- 小規模町村離島における保健師の就職と離職の理由
- ショウキボ チョウソン リトウ ニ オケル ホケンシ ノ シュウショク ト リショク ノ リユウ
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<p>Purpose: This study aimed to clarify that taking a job and turnover reasons, the event that they want to resign their job among public health nurses on remote islands.</p><p>Method: The researcher qualitatively analyzed data generated through semi-structured formal interviews with 10 public health nurses who worked on or resigned from remote islands.</p><p>Results: Seven categories of the reason for taking a job on the island emerged from the interview data: [Comfortable living environment on the island and access conveniently], [Curiosity of living and public health nurses’ activity on an island] and others.</p><p>Four categories emerged as the event that public health nurses want to quit their job from the interview data: [Feel like jobs become chronic and no way to solve the problem], [Job busyness which hard to improve] and others.</p><p>Six categories emerged as the reason for resigning from their job from the interview data: [Island was an insular community and it felt uncomfortable due to somebody watching me all the time], [The choice which respected personal and family life event] and others.</p><p>Conclusion: The island environment, access conveniently, and interest in health activity on islands were the reason for taking a job. The events that public health nurses want to quit their job and the reasons they resigned were job busyness which hard to improve, closedness of island and no privacy, personal life event and family life event, and others.</p>
- Journal of Japan Academy of Nursing Science
Journal of Japan Academy of Nursing Science 41 (0), 573-582, 2021
Japan Academy of Nursing Science
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390290769942197504
- NII Article ID
- 130008142268
- NII Book ID
- AN00010260
- 21858888
- 02875330
- 032137377
- Text Lang
- ja
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- JaLC
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