Relationship between non-medical university students’ dental visits and the use of products with caries-preventive properties

    Social Medical Corporation JMA Ebina General Hospital Department of Dental Hygiene
  • AIBA Chikako
    The Nippon Dental University College at Tokyo, Department of Dental Hygiene
  • IKEDA Akiko
    The Nippon Dental University College at Tokyo, Department of Dental Hygiene

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  • 非医療系大学生における歯科受診行動とう蝕予防効果を有する製品の使用状況との関連
  • ヒイリョウケイ ダイガクセイ ニ オケル シカ ジュシン コウドウトウ ショクヨボウ コウカ オ ユウスル セイヒン ノ シヨウ ジョウキョウ ト ノ カンレン

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<p>The concept of preventive medicine is currently being emphasized in the medical field. Along with, regular visits to dentists and the use of fluoride toothpaste is being promoted. With regard to the health behavior of university students, the status of their regular dental visits and use of fluoride toothpaste has already been clarified in previous studies. However, very few studies have examined the relationship between dental visits and the use of products that include preventive properties. This study targeted non-medical university students to identify the relationship between their dental health behavior, including whether they have a dentist whom they regularly visit and if they use products that include preventive properties.</p><p>The survey was conducted among 127 male and female non-medical university students (excluding minors) enrolled in University H and five other schools in Tokyo. Their consent was obtained through an anonymous and self-administered questionnaire through the use of Google Forms. A total of 62.6% of the respondents stated that they had a dentist whom they regularly visited. There were significant differences regarding the participants’ awareness of fluoride toothpaste, their brushing behavior skill scale, whether they made a point of brushing their teeth after eating in the evenings before going to bed, and whether they brushed their teeth when they were not home. However, there were no significant difference between dental visits and the use of products with preventive properties in them.</p><p>The study indicated that respondents who regularly visited dentists had better understanding of fluoride toothpaste and established a more desirable dental health behavior. The study also suggested that dental hygienists should inform patients about the effects of fluoride and xylitol in their toothpaste and further recommended the use of products which included preventive properties in them as well as regular dental visits.</p>


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