

  • A case of malalignment between the scapula and trunk that induced signs of shoulder joint impingement
  • 症例報告 肩甲骨と体幹のアラインメント不良が両肩関節インピンジメント徴候を誘発した一症例
  • ショウレイ ホウコク ケンコウコツ ト カラダ カン ノ アラインメント フリョウ ガ リョウ カタカンセツ インピンジメント チョウコウ オ ユウハツ シタ イチ ショウレイ



<p>Exercise therapy was performed in a case of shoulder cuff inflammation with signs of chronic impingement in both shoulder joints. It improved both the left and right cuff tendons and muscles around the scapula; however, the pain remained. Considering the patient’s occupational characteristics and ability, a weight load task was carried out with a stronger load. As a result, the scapula asymmetry and trunk alignment in sitting posture were improved. In addition, pain improvement was also noted. Thus, exercise therapy focusing on the scapula was considered effective for trunk alignment. The methods used were flexion-extension of the thoracic vertebrae in four crawling positions and protraction and retraction movement of the scapula. In this case, asymmetric attitude alignment automatically corrected asymmetric postural alignment by adding the weight load task. Correction of postural alignment was also considered effective at improving signs of chronic shoulder joint impingement. In cases with signs of chronic shoulder joint impingement, the scapula and trunk alignment during limb position should be carefully considered when starting upper limb elevation therapy, and the muscle function in the cuff plate and scapulae should also be assessed properly.</p>


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