The relationship between social and economic issues concerning university students throughout the COVID-19 pandemic : Using online surveys aimed at students attending universities in the early stage of the pandemic

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  • 新型コロナウイルス感染症禍における大学生の生活課題と経済的課題の関連性 : 感染拡大初期の大学生への WEB アンケート調査より

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This paper aimed to identify the relationships between social and economic issues experienced by students who were attending universities during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. To study this, two separate surveys were conducted in both March and July of 2020 using online questionnaires. The survey conducted in March was administered to 1,478 students from nine universities, between the 18th and 31st of the month. The survey conducted in July was administered to 1,179 students from eight universities, between the 20th of July and the 9th of August. I subsequently analyzed the relationships between students’ learning achievements, physical health, mental health, and human relationships (both familial relationships and friendships). My aim was to determine whether these elements were correlated to students’ economic situations amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. These relationships were examined using cross tables and Pearson’s correlation coefficient. As a result, I ascertained that learning achievements, physical health, mental health, and human relationships (both familial relationships and friendships) were all related to students’ economic situations. Given these findings, I suggest enhanced economic support or students at universities to resolve these social issues that have arisen during this pandemic and may arise again in other crisis situations.


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