成人看護学実習A終了時における学生 : 患者間の距離のとり方に関する研究


  • セイジン カンゴガク ジッシュウ A シュウリョウジ ニ オケル ガクセイ カンジャ カン ノ キョリ ノ トリ カタ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ





The present study aims to examine students' awareness of the distance between a patient and a caregiver during adult nursing training, and improve guidance in practical training. We conducted a questionnaire survey of third-year students at the end of the "Adult Nursing Training A" class, and discussed the results. In training sessions, the physical distance between patients and students was approximately "50cm". Students communicated with patients for "about 20 minutes" on average in "patient rooms", and most of them used the 90-degree method. They were close to patients in terms of the psychological distance, commenting that patients were "kind", "cooperative", and "attentive". While all students demonstrated excellent communication skills for "greeting and self-introduction", "eye contact with patients", and "call/nod to patients" in training sessions, they needed advice on "how to talk or give advice to patients in trouble" and the "determination of conditions and symptoms" from trainers and clinical instructors (Instructors). Some of their comments included their findings and raised awareness: "As the four-week training proceeded, the distance between patients and myself was getting smaller"; and "Patients, like other people, including myself, want to be alone once in a while. I recognized that it is sometimes important to maintain a certain distance between patients and myself". In guidance for training, it is important to encourage students to reflect on their findings and develop what they have learned.




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