「看護研究の倫理」教育に関する課題 : 3年課程看護基礎教育における全国調査から

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  • カンゴ ケンキュウ ノ リンリ キョウイク ニ カンスル カダイ 3ネン カテイ カンゴ キソ キョウイク ニ オケル ゼンコク チョウサ カラ

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Although an increasing number of studies are being performed, there has been no report of how "ethics in nursing research" is taught in basic nursing education at three-year nursing schools, except for "The 1996 survey of systems to review research ethics in nursing colleges and universities" carried out by the Nursing Ethics Committee, Japan Academy of Nursing Science, between 2002 and 2004. In 2007, we conducted a national survey of "ethics in nursing research" taught in three-year academic institutions for basic nursing education. The results are as follows: Ethics in nursing research was taught in classes at more than 80% of schools, and nearly 70% provided guidance on them. Less than 20% of schools had established regulations for ethics in nursing research, and either review meetings or ethics committees were organized in less than 5%. Less than 50% of schools obtained consent from study subjects. Most schools did not obtain consent for case studies, probably because they confused the purposes of case studies with those of practical training. It is essential to develop an ethics review system in three-year nursing schools.




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