

  • ペドロ デ コルドバ キリストキョウ ノ オシエ 1544ネン ニ オケル センジュウミンカン ホンショウテキ ビョウドウセイ ノ カイシャク オ テガカリ ニ
  • Pedro de C?rdoba's View on the Nature of Indigenous People in his Catechism Doctrina cristiana (1544) : With a Focus on Interpreting 'Equality of Human Nature'



This thesis aims to clarify the view of Pedro de C?rdoba, a Spanish Dominican, on the human nature of the indigenous people of the Antilles in his catechism, titled Doctrina cristiana. Interpreting this text, I will especially focus on the concept of 'equality of human nature' to which C?rdoba referred when he proved that the indigenous people were rational creatures in order to fight against racial prejudice which was caused by the Spanish ruling system called 'encomienda'. As Gustavo Guti?rrez, a Dominican theologian, pointed out, C?rdoba mentioned this concept in the text, relating it to 'loving your neighbors', a supreme commandment of Christ. In this context, C?rdoba understood 'equality of human nature' to mean the infinite goodness of God who intends to save the humans from their sins. Moreover, C?rdoba understood 'loving your neighbors' as love that leads humans to recognizing the 'nature of God', which means 'final happiness'. Having interpreted the concept of 'equality of human nature' and that Christ's commandment, I find a common parallel between them where God's love leads humans to that happiness. Finally, I conclude that C?rdoba regarded the indigenous people as rational creatures that God's salvific will especially covers.


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