Recent Trends in Research on Organizational Citizenship Behavior : From January 2016 to December 2018




This study reviews research on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) published between 2016 and 2018. In line with the OCB research that came before 2016, many of the current studies strive to determine the individual factors influencing OCB, which have become more diverse than ever. Several OCB studies focused on organizational-level antecedents of OCB. However, most of the reviewed literature was based on data collected at the individual level. That is, the researchers asked employees about their perceptions of their organizations instead of collecting objective data. Likewise, while several OCB studies addressed the mediating role of OCB, they did not establish their models with a convincing reason for why OCB would mediate the relation between the factors they analyzed. A few key implications for future study are provided in reaction to this review of the research.



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