

  • Sex difference on the prevalence of physical frailty in a community-dwelling older people
  • チイキ ザイジュウ コウレイシャ ノ シンタイテキ フレイル ノ ユウショウリツ ノ セイサ



In recent years, it has been reported that physical frailty syndrome, which is one of the risks of requiring long-term care, has "reversibility" of returning to a healthy state by appropriate intervention and is attracting attention as a target of intervention. Its physical frailty is generally determined using five phenotypes: weight loss, muscle weakness, fatigue, slow walking, and decreased physical activity, and it has been reported that females are more prevalent than males. However, with inconsistent evaluation methods, more female participants than males in the study, and differences in survey methods, the prevalence of physical frailty is inherently gender specific. There may be no such thing. This review aims to investigate gender differences in physical frailty. This survey was conducted to systematically search publications in the database of articles in PubMed and CiNii articles. The following keywords were used in the summary and title sections. (frailty) AND ("sex difference") AND (("older adults") OR (elder) AND ("community-dwelling"). This review found that physical frailty has a gender prevalence of high prevalence in females. It was also revealed that there are gender differences in physical frailty components due to differences in the number of men and women in countries and the evaluation method of physical frailty. In the future, we believe that further research is needed to investigate gender differences in factors related to physical frailty.


  • 健康科学

    健康科学 44 33-39, 2022-03-25




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