Association Theory of Marx and Its Limitations

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  • マルクスのアソシエーション論とその制約
  • マルクス ノ アソシエーションロン ト ソノ セイヤク

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This article examines Association Theory in Marx’s *The Capital* with reference to the section "The Fetish Character of Commodity and Its Secret," where association in the future society is envisaged from three viewpoints which compare commodity production against other forms of social activities. It is shown, however, that the viewpoints discussed are mutually incongruous, each constraining the directionality of association to communal society, Soviet-type economic planning, and co-ownership of means of production, respectively. We conclude that the source of confusion lies in Marx’s abstract theorization of production relation withoutconsideration of production process theory.


  • 経済志林

    経済志林 89 (2), 521-553, 2022-03-20


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